Sunday, August 13, 2017

Cousins and prayer

This week I slowed things down a bit and mostly stayed home. On Wednesday I had Emily and her kids over to play and we had a good visit and the kids were so excited to play with their cousins. Maybrie and Thomas keep asking me if they can have friends over and it is hard for me to tell them I have no one else to call if one of the couple families we've met so far aren't available. Our circle will grow in time, but right now I'm so glad they have each other to play with and cherish the times they play well together. 
On Thursday we met Holli and her girls upriver at Loeb. Ashley Pieren and the Marks teenage girls were there too. Thanks to the "babysitters" I didn't have to swim, which was nice because it was breezy and cooler that day. The Haurand's had their kayak and the three older kids had so much fun with it. It was a fun afternoon and I'm so grateful for the new friendships we are building. That night Maybrie got to have her cousin Emma spend the night. We don't do sleepovers, but made an exception for family. We watched A Cinderella Story and they stayed up too late talking and then played all day Friday. 
Friday night we took Emma back home when we went to their house to celebrate William's 8th birthday. It was a nice treat to have grilled burgers and chicken since we don't have a grill right now. It was fun a fun visit with the kids not wanting to leave when it was time to go. 
On Saturday we got to sleep in and then we broke down and bought a few yard tools. I'm excited to get outside and teach the kids how to work in the yard. Clearing the flower bed of weeds was highly satisfying to me! After lunch we headed down to the port to check out the Pirate Festival. We learned that unless we want to blow money on fair type food and random trinkets from vendors, we won't be going again! We also witnessed many interesting pirate costumes. The highlights were seeing a mermaid and some pirate sword fighting. 
Today Brian and I spoke in church. I spoke on why we rely on prayer. It was really good for me to spend time studying and preparing for my talk throughout the week. I feel better each week we go to our new ward, meeting more people and slowly put names and faces together. Every bit of familiarity and smile I receive helps me feel more encouraged and at peace about living here. Two little side notes about Henry... he finally got a new car seat and he is beginning to learn how to use utensils (messy, messy!).

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