Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring has Sprung

This past week it has finally felt like spring has arrived. In fact, yesterday it reached 88 degrees and suddenly felt like summertime. I am thoroughly enjoying the nice weather and getting outside with the kids. Last week we walked to the park almost everyday. Both Maybrie and Thomas love being outside and playing on the playground. On Saturday we did yard work for the first time and got going on a some spring cleaning. Here is a picture of Maybrie helping daddy clean the kitchen cupboards. Maybrie is really into helping clean lately... it usually ends up taking longer with her participating, but I am not going to object to her desire to learn and be independent. 
 We have seen quite a bit of rain this past month and Maybrie was thrilled to go out in the rain with her new umbrella. 
 Thomas is looking more and more like a little boy rather than a baby. Here he is on his cousin's 4-wheeler. I  pushed him around on it for a while and he thought it was pretty cool!
 We joined the "Mormon Mobile" club! We sold our beloved Mercury Milan and bought Brian's parents Ford Windstar. It is nice to have more space and we will actually be saving money by switching vehicles.
Thomas has discovered the swings and we can almost always get a good laugh out of him while he is swinging. Here is a little clip of his cuteness. Also, notice his cute green converse and shorts... I love pulling out the summer clothes and having more exposed chub to kiss on! :)

1 comment:

  1. How I so love spring! I totally understand the extra effort it takes to clean when we have our little ones help, haha. But it's a wonderful thing to let them do and teach.
